Composition Of Board
The organization has a seven-member board of directors consisting of professionals and educationists who are well experience in social work and operations of the civil society sub-sector, and serve as the governing body of the organization. Out of the seven-member board, three are men and four are women. It is chaired by an elected chairperson as its head who controls and manages its operations with the support of other members.
Membership and management (CORD)
COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT (CORD) draws its membership from professionals, educationist and philanthropists from the Nadowli-Kaleo area whose focus was to reduce the upsurge of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, rehabilitate street, trafficked and immigrant children, integrate persons with disabilities and alleviate poverty among women. Membership of CORD and its operations were opened to all those who are concern to bringing hope to the depressed and seeing smiles in the faces of women, children and the disabled. The hallmark of CORD is to provide sustainable assistance to the deprived in partnership with philanthropists, Benevolent Individuals and organizations, non-governmental organizations, Bilateral and Multilateral organizations, Religious Groups and Decentralized Department in realizing our feasible and objectives.
CORD shall recruit into this team many other officers depending on the nature of the programme or intervention and with respect to our level of finance. As CORD expands, this structure would be submitted to reforms to suit our operations in our attempt
There are three main categories of staff in the organization including; core management/administrative staff, field staff, and other support staff. Each of these categories of staff is tasked with a defined role and responsibility. The management team in charge of the day to day operations of CORD includes the programme Coordinator, Project Officer, Finance Officer, Monitoring and Evaluation office and Gender Desk Officer.
The management team of CORD consists of seven core staff, ranging from the programme coordinator to secretary. Each programme officer manages the sub-programme offices at Nadowli, Kaleo and Duong.
Below is a brief description of the various portfolios and their responsibilities.
The executive director is the chief director of the organization. He/she is responsible for successful day to day management of the organization. He has the authority to hire and fire other staff in consultation with the board of directors ‘base on the human resource management policy of the organization. He/she is charged with the mandate of developing and managing programs of the organization. He/she reports to the board of directors. All reports shall be submitted to the Executive Director
The executive director is the representative of the organization in times of a legal suit or any publicity issue. He links the organization and external world
The finance and administrative director is a management position entrusted with the management and administration of all financial resources of the organization. He/she in consultation with the board and or chief executive director shall take decision for judicious use of the organization’s resources in line with the constitution of the organization. He/she reports to the board of directors through the chief executive director.
The gender officer is a management position that has the responsibility of ensuring gender mainstreaming of all programs in the organization to ensure equity and fairness for both men and women. She/he is also responsible to develop gender sensitive programs and mainstreaming them into all programs and to make sure there is fair play in all activates of the organization among men and women. He/she reports to the programs officer in oral and writing reports.
Programs coordinator is the head of field activities of the organization. It is a management position, charged with the responsibility to develop, implement, coordinate and harmonize all programs activities in the organization and report directly to the executive director in written and or oral. He acts as the secretary during management meeting. He/she works hand in hand with the executive director, finance manager, gender officer, M&E officer and field officers to effectively implement projects of the organization
Monitoring and evaluation is a key component of all programs and activities to ensure that we have an effective and efficient system of tracking progress of all programs activities in the organization. The M&E officer is therefore charged with the responsibility of monitoring and evaluating all program activities to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in Progress and feedback mechanism to inform our future program decisions. The M&E reports all activities to the executive director. He/she relates horizontally with other key officers.
The field officers are the direct implementation agents of all project activities at the field. In liaison with the programs coordinator, the field officers are in charge of translating plan project activities into reality on the ground and to work in partnership with M&E officer and gender officer to ensure the successful implementation of assigned projects. The field officer reports directly to the programs coordinator and may also respond directly to the executive director upon a request.
The administrative assistant will give support to the management and responsible for the clerical, filling and supply of basic office requirement. He/she is directly responsible for the upkeep of the office and assist in the effective delivery of administrative activities in the office. He/she is directly reports to the director of finance and administration and take lineal directives same even though the executive director exercise oversight responsibility over his/her activities.
The driver will be responsible for the automobile property of the organization. He/she will be responsible for the maintenance, custody, and usage of all motor vehicle belonging to the organization. He/she will recommend to the finance and administrative director for timely maintenance and servicing of all motorbikes, and vehicles of the organization.
The cleaner will report to the finance and administrative officer through administrative assistant. She/he is charged with the responsibility of tiding up of the office environment (interior and exterior and equipment) and to maintain general sanitation in the office
The security officer is entrusted with the safety of the office and to protect equipment from theft, burglary or any form of unlawful entry into the premises or destruction of property of the organization. He/she would also play a dual role of keeping the security and messenger to the organization